Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Thursday Thought

it has been 4day since Ramadhan started. I managed to fast only for a day and a half ( if u get what i mean).
And now, I am being all lazy. No more morning jog and evening cycling.
So much so of preserving energy cos its ramadhan, noone cares to work out.
but that doesn't give me an excuse to oversleep till 11am and taking a nap for 2 hours everyday.
i clearly understand that if i want to look good on my day, i should lose some weight.
thing is, my weight keep on increasing. I am now 10 kg more than when i flew to bristol 3years ago.
and i think i have central obesity. my close friends think so too..eventhough my hands and legs are alright, but most of the fat are distributed around my tummy, thus, giving me this boroi-looking-perot. or as adik simply named it: perot menggelebeh.
my love handle are way beyond my pants size. leaving lines and scratches after a long wear of jeans.
that's why i resorted to wear skirt these days.
not trying to look sweet, neither am i following the current fashion trend.. its simply because, i cant fit in most of my jeans!!
this is depressing.
well, atleast i do know that at least one person is happy that im all fat.
Mak. mmg dia seronok tgok anak2 dia gemok berisi sbb she thinks, i m well-nourished, makan ckup.
let me share the pain of having small frame body, with unflattering body figure.
i was trying the clothes i wanted to wear for my E day, they looked really stunning on the mannequin.
as it was my cousin's boutique, i waited no more and started to try on the off-pink sequinned long kebaya with the mermaid-style skirt.
everything was good, fits me perfectly, until i started to button up.
oh no.... i have to hold my breathe in order to secure the buttons.
giler kecewa..... and then when i finally managed to squeeze myself, i asked my sister to snap a pic of me..
tadaaaa!!!! i looked like nangka dibalut sarung yg ketat,
ppffftttt...there goes my wish to look stunning.
i have to accept the fact and i ended up choosing the simplest attire, long dress with no front button what so ever, with a layer of organza kurung moden.
which really put me off. as i will be looking like gadis melayu terakhir.
light silver or myb white..
da mcm bju menikah pn ade.
whatever....sape suruh ko gemok malas kuruskn badan.

all these non-stop whining and complaining...

My boyfie always smile when i tell him those thing
and he replied, i tau u bole kurus, kena rajin senam je. tgokla jari u kurus kering. u bolela, sayang.
and another time he replied, xpela, skrg ni gemuk, nnt before kawen i anta u pegi weightloss treatment ok? dah2 jgn stres out.

those words managed to soothe out my worries and bring some self confidence in me temporarily.

but yeah, i want to look the best for him.....
one day...
i promise...


daniel said...

You are just fine the you are sayang
I Love You Sweetheart..:)

mus said...

tq u too honeypie

mus said...
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